Trademark Information
We are proud to announce that "XELFIN" is now a legally protected trademark. We have secured the legal rights to exclusively use the name "XELFIN" in association with our business under the following trademark details:
- Trademark Application No.: 6588688
- Class: 25
- Date of Application: 23/08/2024
- Appropriate Office: DELHI
- State: PUNJAB
As the owner of the trademark "XELFIN," we reserve the exclusive rights to its use under the Class 25 category, which covers clothing, footwear, and headgear. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or imitation of the trademark "XELFIN" in any form is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
We kindly ask all our customers, partners, and stakeholders to respect our intellectual property rights. Any attempt to misuse or infringe upon these rights will be met with appropriate legal action to safeguard our brand identity.
If you have any questions regarding our trademark or intellectual property policies, feel free to reach out to us through our contact page.